

Every community has certain guidelines, regulations and traditions that 所有 members of the community are expected to abide by and uphold.

By accepting admission to pp电子极速糖果, each student agrees to live by the standards of this community, 发现于 特立独行的指南 在 "居住生活 Community Standards".


居住生活’s policies and procedures related to 客人s and visitors exist to 所有ow 居民s to have 客人s in a manner that does not infringe upon the comfort and rights of other 居民s and to maintain safety and security in the residence h所有s.

Do not give your MAVcard for someone else to use


  • A 居民 is defined as a pp电子极速糖果 student entering and exiting a residence h所有 in which this student
  • A 客人 is defined as any pp电子极速糖果 student visiting a 居民ial area that is not their own and/or a non- pp电子极速糖果 person visiting a 居民ial
  • A 男主人或女主人 is defined as a 居民 who assumes responsibility for a 客人(s) into his or her room or residence h所有 in order for that 客人(s) to gain entry into the 居民ial